Andrea Parnell Devil Moon Media Novels Royal Chaos Royal Crush Writing

New Projects

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

Time to check in with you again. A few things to mention. First, my mom and I were in the paper recently. We were interviewed for an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution called “e-Books getting the words out”. The able reporter did a good job of reporting on how ebook publishing empower authors to take charge of their writing careers and connect directly with readers in ways that were not possible (or at least much more difficult) in the pre-ebook era. Whether it is re-releasing previously published books or publishing all-new works without having to wait around for Big Publishing to get a clue, this is a great time to be an author. The tools are there for those who learn how to use them–as more and more authors are each day.

As for my own authoring, my summer projects are writing a new book, Dash: Into Space! and the next Jason Cosmo book, Royal Crush (a revision of the classic Royal Chaos). I’m also editing my mother’s novel Devil Moon for reissue as an ebook. Enough to keep me busy!

I was also thrilled to be contacted by REDACTED to inquire about my interest in writing REDACTED for REDACTED. Yeah, can’t say much about it, but there may be a fun side project in the offing.

One more thing — my ebook titles are on sale at Smashwords through July 31.

Hope you’re enjoying your summer! (Or winter, south of the equator.)

Best regards,

Dan McGirt

Andrea Parnell Dark Prelude Dark Splendor Delilah's Flame Dirty Work Fiction Hero Wanted Jason Cosmo (Book) Jason Cosmo (Series) Jason Cosmo Non-Trilogy Jason Cosmo Omnibus Noble Cause Novels Royal Chaos Trove Books Whispers at Midnight

Hello (again) world!


So…yeah, this has been a very slow-moving project, launching  Slower even than I expected. Glacial?

Slower than that. Geologic is more like it.

Even so, I still have the grandest of intentions to make my online home base and secret headquarters. But it will be a bit by bit process, as I’ve simply had to put this effort near the bottom of the priority list so far.

What have I been doing instead? Glad you asked! Here is an update:

  • The rebooted Jason Cosmo fantasy adventure series from Trove Books is at Book Two now, available as ebooks around the world. Book One, Hero Wanted, is also available as a print edition.
  • All of my fantasy novels originally published as Signet/Roc paperbacks are now available as ebooks at Amazon and elsewhere. To wit,  the classic Jason Cosmo Non-Trilogy of Jason Cosmo, Royal Chaos, and Dirty Work.  You can get them singly, or as an all-in-one omnibus ebook.
  • I’ve been working with my mother, Andrea Parnell, to publish her out-of-print romance novels as ebooks. We’ve produced three so far, plus a free novella, with more on the way. You can learn more at Mom’s website:

A lot of work behind writing, preparing, and publishing these titles! I’ll keep adding to this site. In the meantime, please visit my Jason Cosmo Update site or join my Facebook page.  You can also follow me on Twitter: @jasoncosmo

Thanks for reading!

Best regards,

Dan McGirt