Thursday Things Writing

Back again!

Welcome back, Loyal Readers! This site got knocked down by egregious hackers in 2018. I only recently located a good backup file that enabled me to restore it in a marathon IT session last night. I’ll spare you the gory details, but diving under the hood of your WordPress site is a good way to occupy yourself during this time of viruses and social distancing.

Another good socially isolated activity is writing! I’ll update you soon on what I’m working on now. The last couple of years have not gone exactly as planned, in a many ways. I think getting this site back online is, for me, in some way symbolic of getting myself back in the saddle, back to business, returning to regular order, take your pick of cliches.

For now, let me tell you about Thursday Things, my free weekly newsletter that goes out on — you guessed it! — Thursdays. It is a sample of typically five or six interesting items I’ve come across online and elsewhere. I try to keep it positive, uplifting, or at least weird or intriguing. At the link you can read every issue since I started Thursday Things last October. There you can also sign up to get Thursday Things delivered to your inbox each week. I hope you will!

It’s good to be back, Loyal Readers! I’ll see you again soon.

Dan McGirt

Dash: Into Space! Fiction Science Fiction Writing

Dash: Into Space! preview (part 7)

We continue our draft preview of my book-in-progress,  Dash: Into Space!, an alien abduction comedy.  If you’re just tuning in, catch up with Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6 at the links.  The last thing Dash remembers is facing down Max’s onrushing truck. After that, things got strange. This week: things get even stranger!

Chapter 7: Dash Wakes Up


Dash shuddered and twitched and was awake.

He lay face down in a large puddle of what felt like snail slime. He gagged and retched and rolled onto his side and coughed up a big clout of disgusting clear goop.

He was naked.

Also thirsty. Hungry. And cold.

The floor beneath him was a hard, smooth surface, faintly iridescent, like a soap bubble in the sun.

Dash sat up. He groaned. His head throbbed like someone was rapidly expanding and deflating balloons inside it. He blinked. The room was lit with a strange blue light that came from no discernible source. The glow hung in the air like a mist of fine sparks.

A thin crust of crud coated his body. It was like when you have a runny nose and snot dries all around your nostrils. Except this was all over. Flakes of crud fell off him with every move. He brushed the stuff off his face and shook it out of his hair like dandruff from hell.

He looked around. He was in a small room. The walls curved up seamlessly into a domed ceiling so that he appeared to be inside a big silvery-white faintly iridescent egg.

What is this place?

Dash stood with care. The floor was slippery, like fresh-mopped tiles. He shuffled clear of the slime puddle. He saw no door, no windows or vents or any sort of exit.

“Hello?” he croaked. His throat felt constricted from long disuse. “Hello? Is anyone there?”

No one answered.

Is this a dream? Like that dream where I’m at school and naked and there is a big test and I haven’t studied for it because I didn’t know about it? He was naked. But this was far stranger than the go-to-school-naked dream.

Dash pressed his hand against the wall. It was cool to the touch. He couldn’t tell what it was made of. Some kind of metal or ceramic or composite, but nothing he could name.

What can I remember? His mind felt strangely blank. He couldn’t remember anything except the past few minutes.

And that naked school dream.

He concentrated harder. A jumble of images flashed through his brain. Loud music. Riding in the Jeep. Studying with Astrid. A light in the sky. And pain. Lots of pain.


Oh, right. Max and Billy and the cornfield.

And Max’s truck.

And the bright light.

Max ran over me with his truck!

This was starting to make sense. He must be in the hospital. Intensive care. He had to be pretty doped up on painkillers after being hit by a truck, right? Morphine or whatever. He was probably in a coma. Or hallucinating.

More images came to him. Three freaky little dudes. The cow.

Okay, harder to explain.

But, might the freaky little dudes in tinfoil suits be…his doctors? Distorted through an opiate haze?

Or maybe they were Aunt Emma and Uncle Hans and…Astrid?

Would she come see me in the hospital?

Sure she would. After all, it was her psycho ex-boyfriend who ran over him. She must feel pretty bad about that. Maybe she hadn’t left his side.

And the cow head?

Well…he’d figure out the cow part later.

So if I’m unconscious, this egg room must be my brain’s interpretation of…of…the inside of an MRI scanner?

He remembered a bright light. A floating sensation.

That was surgery, right? Anesthesia kicking in. The bright lamps in the O.R. shining down while doctors struggled to save his life.

I must be messed up pretty bad.

At least he could still walk.

Or, at least, he could still imagine he could walk.

Which was something.

But none of these explanations were entirely convincing.

Why was he naked? Even in the hospital, they give you those gowns. He had nothing on, not a stitch.

Not even a surgical stitch. He looked himself over. Not a bruise. Not a scratch. No surgical scar. Nothing.

A disturbing thought occurred to Dash.

What if I’m dead?

Bright light, floating—classic near death experience. Maybe too near. Maybe he was on the other side. This could be heaven.

Or this could be hell.

Either way, it was a pretty slackass afterlife.

I don’t feel dead.

He felt hungry, thirsty, and cold. And scared.

Dash beat on the wall with both fists, shouting, “Hey! Somebody let me out of here! Let me out of here!”

He heard a pneumatic hiss behind him.

Dash turned. In the opposite wall an aperture spiraled open like the lens shutter on a camera.

The old non-digital kind.

“Hello?” said Dash.

He crossed to the opening, peered through it to see an empty corridor that curved away in both directions. It was made of the same stuff as the egg-shaped room, but there were undulating ripples along the walls and ceiling. It looked like the inside of a big corrugated pipe.

This was no hospital.

“Hello!” called Dash. “Who’s there?”

The walls seemed to absorb the sound of his voice.

Dash stepped through the opening. He covered his crotch with both hands, suddenly very conscious of being naked. Whose eyes he was covering up from, he wasn’t sure.

“Is anyone here?” he called.

A loud, piercing, high-pitched screech, like the worst amp feedback ever, filled the corridor. Dash forgot any attempt at modesty and covered his ears.

“Yow! Turn it off!” he shouted.

The screech ended. He heard a new sound coming from somewhere down the corridor. An oddly familiar sound. It was like the rumble of a bowling ball rolling down the lane at Tornado Alley, the tacky little bowling spot in Plainsville. Dash didn’t go there often, since he usually had to work on the farm, but he knew that sound.

This was something much bigger than a bowling ball. It was coming his way fast. And Dash didn’t see any bowling pins.

He turned to step back into the egg-shaped room. But the opening he had emerged from was gone, sealed, erased as if it never existed.

Dash started to back slowly down the corridor.

Then, suddenly, it rolled into view.

It was a sphere, about the size of one of those big exercise balls at the gym.

It glowed. Its surface was translucent and there were strange lights inside. Blobs of light and strings of light and rods of light and pulsing shapes of light that disturbingly resembled that diagram of the parts of a cell he had huddled over with Astrid what seemed like a hundred years ago. There was a throbbing white light deep down under all the rest, but mostly blues, greens, purple and indigo, with a few flashes of yellow and orange, all swirling and flowing together like a big snow globe full of fireworks.

The glowing ball raced toward him, with no sign of slowing.

Dash ran.

And that’s Chapter 7, folks!

No one said dashing into space would be easy. Or make sense. Be here next episode, when Dash says: “This is the most exhausting dream I’ve ever had.”

Thanks for reading!

Dan McGirt

Dash: Into Space! Fiction Novels Science Fiction Writing

Dash: Into Space! preview (part 6)

We continue our draft preview of Dash: Into Space! If you’re just tuning in, catch up with Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 at the links.  Last episode, Dash was about to have a very bad experience. This week: Dash has a very bad experience!

Chapter 6: To the Stars Through Difficulties

Max jumped down from the truck and started toward them. Billy and Johnny emerged from the passenger side of the cab. Their boots crunched ominously in the loose gravel beside the highway.

“I am so glad you came along!” said Astrid, starting forward. “I don’t know what is wrong with my Jeep, but it just—”

Max ignored Astrid and jabbed an accusing finger at Dash as he strode toward him. “What did I tell you, Garnet?” he shouted. “What did I tell you? You’re dead!”

“Yeah, dead!” said Johnny.

“Get him, Max!” shouted Billy.

Max charged. Every instinct told Dash to run. But he only backed up a few steps and raised his hands placatingly, heeding an insistent inner voice that told him not to leave Astrid. Whether it was concern for her safety or simply not wanting to look like a coward in front of her that froze his feet, Dash didn’t have time to sort out. Max batted his upraised hands aside, grabbed him by the shirt and shoved him hard against the back of the Jeep. Dash bounced off the rear glass, lost his footing and sat down hard on the wide bumper. Max’s fist connected with his stomach. Dash doubled over and fell roughly to his knees. Chunks of gravel gouged his legs through his jeans.

“Told you to stay away from her!” Max kicked Dash in the face, knocking him onto his back. “Told you what would happen!”

Astrid screamed. Another kick connected with Dash’s side, bruising ribs. Dash curled into a ball. Another kick. Dash tried to drag himself under the Jeep to escape Max’s hard-toed boots hitting him with the force of hammers, but feet seemed to be everywhere, pinning him in, striking him from every side.

“Max! What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it! You’re hurting him!” shouted Astrid. “Stop it, Max!”

Johnny and Billy came closer, laughing and egging Max on.

“Make him bleed!” shouted Billy. “Stomp his face!”

“P-please…” bleated Dash. A kick to the gut dug deep up under his ribs. He felt his bladder lose control, felt the hot wetness staining his jeans.

“Pissed his pants!” yowled Billy.

“Yeah, his pants!” said Johnny.

Tears welled from Dash’s eyes. He squeezed them shut, as if that might shut out the pain and humiliation. “Please stop,” he gasped. His voice sounded small and pathetic in his own ears. He felt a surge of nausea.

“Followed you from her house, geekstain!” raged Max. He circled Dash like a wolf, aiming kick after kick with painful accuracy. “Saw you pull over here to make out. Did you think I wouldn’t find out, loser? You’re dead!”

“Max, that’s crazy!” shouted Astrid. “I’m driving him home! My engine died! Max, stop it!”

Astrid grabbed Max’s arm to pull him away. It was a hopeless effort. He was a mountain of muscle and she was less than half his size. Without even turning around, Max shoved Astrid away and aimed another kick at Dash.

Astrid yelped in surprise as she fell. She sprawled on her back, half lying in the highway.

Dash opened his eyes at the sound of Astrid’s cry. He saw her fall to the ground. Their eyes met for a moment. He saw the look of shock and fear on her face.

What happened next, he couldn’t explain.

Max, belatedly realizing what he had done, cut short launching his next kick and half-turned toward Astrid.

Dash’s fist closed around a extra large piece of gravel, about the size, and roughly the shape, of a pear. Moving with a speed and purpose he did not know he had, Dash launched himself to his feet. He swung his arm in a wide, flailing arc that intersected with Max’s face. The rock in his fist connected hard with Max’s cheekbone and scored a ragged red gash across his face.

It was a legendary blow, worthy of Tauric Strongbull himself. The sheer force of it, aided by Max’s own turning motion, spun the big jock around so that he lost his balance and face-planted hard to the edge of the highway, with his dazed head landing between Astrid’s knees.

Everything froze.

Dash looked from the bloody rock in his hand, to the prostrate form of his fallen foe, to Astrid gazing up at him with some mix of astonishment, horror, and what he thought might be admiration. He felt a surge of exhilaration, an atavistic joy at having struck back at his tormentor.

Billy and Johnny stared slack-jawed, looking back and forth between their downed leader and the scrawny loser who had just decked him. Their brains seemingly could not comprehend what their eyes were telling them.

Then, as suddenly as it came, Dash’s moment of triumph ended.

Max groaned, rose to all fours, and shouted, “Kill him!”

Billy and Johnny’s faces contorted with murderous hate as they started toward him.

Astrid screamed, “Run, Dash! Run!”

She didn’t have to tell him twice. But first, Dash pivoted and hurled the rock straight at Johnny’s face. He might not be good at much. He certainly wasn’t going to survive a fight with all three of these goons. But he could hit a fence post with a rock at sixty yards. The pear-shaped stone struck Billy in the right eye and sent him reeling. That was enough to befuddle Johnny and give Dash a twenty-yard head start. He leapt the ditch and ran into the corn field.


Dash had run less than a hundred yards through the moonlit rows of corn and he was already gasping for breath. Dash blamed cigarettes, but it wasn’t all Nick Tyger’s fault. Getting worked over by Max’s steel-toed boots may have had something to do with it too.

The broad, surprisingly sharp-edged corn leaves stung his face as he ran, but that was nothing compared to what Max and the morons would do if they caught him. Max was still back at the roadside, screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs and shouting for his buddies to haul Dash back there so he, Max, could beat Dash to death with his baseball bat. Or do anatomically incorrect things to him with a tire iron. It was hard to make out the details of what Max was saying with the blood pounding in Dash’s ears and the corn stalks whistling by. He also heard Astrid alternate between screaming for Dash to run—which meant she cared, right?—and screaming at Max.

Dash ran as hard as he had ever run in his life. His big head start didn’t mean much. Johnny, the big dumb offensive lineman, he might outrun. But Billy? No way. Billy ran track, played basketball, was shortstop on the varsity baseball squad. He also wasn’t quite right in the head. Oh, and Dash had just tagged him in the face with a rock. The only points in Dash’s favor were the darkness and the fact he was wearing sneakers. Cowboy boots were great for kicking the crap out of somebody. They weren’t so good for running.

As his initial panic subsided, the thinking parts of Dash’s brain came back online. He realized running in a straight line, perpendicular to the highway, was making things way too easy for his pursuers. Billy and Johnny would run him down, beat him to a pulp, and drag what was left of him back for Max to finish off.

Dash veered to the right, cutting through the corn rows at an angle. It meant putting less straight line distance between him and the morons, but it might help him evade them in the dark.

“You can’t run forever!” bellowed Max.

“Watch me,” muttered Dash. He heard his pursuers thrashing through the corn, but his change of direction seemed to have fooled them. They were still going straight in from the highway.

This will work. This will work. They’ll give up and leave. They’ll—

“Smoke him out!” shouted Max. “Split up and find him!”

A bright light cut across the field from the direction of the highway. It swept back and forth across the tops of the corn plants. Max had a portable searchlight in his truck. Of course he did.

“There he is!” shouted Max. “Go right!”

How could Max see him? The light never touched Dash. He glanced up, realized Max saw the tops of the plants moving as Dash thrashed through them. Damn!

“Yeah, right!” shouted Johnny.

Billy gave a loud Indian war whoop. They were coming his way.

Dash sprinted straight down the aisle between two rows so Max could no longer track him. Billy and Johnny were coming his way fast, running down parallel rows. Max’s light swept the field twice more, then winked out.

Dash immediately cut across three more rows. He stopped to catch his breath, doubled over, huffing and chuffing hard. His insides hurt. His lungs burned. His heart felt like it was about to explode from his chest. He couldn’t keep this up. Maybe he should just lay down here, be very still and quiet, and hope they wouldn’t find him in this huge field.

No, they’d bring a light, find his footprints, track him down. He had to keep moving. Billy and Johnny were getting close. Dash ran deeper into the field, crossing the rows. If he led them far enough away from the road, they might give up and turn back.

Max’s truck roared to life. Dash glanced over his shoulder.

Max was driving into the field!

God, he’s going to run me down!

Fresh terror lent Dash new speed. He wasn’t thinking about angles now, or anything but moving as fast as his exhausted legs could move him.

The big truck’s high beams threw weird looming shadows as the massive metal monster blasted through row after row of corn with a whup-whup-whup of destroyed plants.

If he spots me I’m dead! thought Dash.

He saw a flash of metal in the moonlight as the truck roared past, about fifty yards to the right. Dash turned left as the red tail lights receded across the field. Max was ahead of him now. But Billy and Johnny were still somewhere behind, so he dared not turn back toward the road.

Now Max veered left. He was about a hundred yards deeper in the field and evidently realized he had overshot, that there was no way Dash had run that far. Leaning on the horn—that had to be purely for intimidation—Max swung the truck around. Whether he knew it or not, now Max was headed straight for Dash.

Dash turned and froze, watching the onrushing headlights get closer and closer. Every breath was agony. Something important was bruised or punctured inside him. He really needed to puke. His leg was cramping up. He felt oddly detached from what was happening, almost like an out of body experience.

That’s what this is about to be if you don’t move!

Dash ran at a right angle to path of the truck, still away from the highway. Somewhere in the distance he thought he heard Astrid call his name, but the roar of the truck was a hundred times louder. He had to get outside the cone of those headlights, but it wouldn’t be easy. Max was swerving back and forth, whipping the wheel wildly, pounding on the horn. Dash couldn’t predict his path, couldn’t tell if he was running into danger or out of it. Max could drive back and forth across this field all night hunting him. Dash would run out of breath long before that maniac ran out of gas. But Dash would keep running until his legs gave out. It was all he could do now.

The truck passed behind him again, forty, fifty yards back, then came around in another wide circle.

Run. Run. Run.

Wide corn leaves slapped and slashed at Dash’s face. The truck was behind him again, coming his way.

Run. Run. Run.

Dash tripped, stumbled, and face-planted. Too weak to regain his feet, he heaved himself up to hands and knees and scrambled ahead on all fours like a manic toddler.

He was in an open space. Not out of the field. There was corn on every side, tall stalks looming around him like silent witnesses to an execution. With a start, he realized he was crawling over flattened corn plants. A whole circular section of the field was leveled, as if a tremendous round weight the size of a couple of grain silos had been set right down on top of it.

A real mystery, but Dash didn’t care. He was unexpectedly in the open, exposed, visible and he had to get away, hide, run.

Logic might have said duck back into the nearest line of corn, but panic was in charge now, so Dash staggered to his feet and started straight across the circle. He had to reach the other side, had to get away, had to—

“Got you!”

A flying form tackled Dash roughly to the ground. Strong hands rolled him over and then Billy was straddling his chest, pinning him to the earth, raining punch after punch down on Dash’s face.

“Damn near put my eye out!” raged Billy. “Gonna break your skull open!”

Blood erupted from Dash’s nose. Something crunched and broke. A starburst of pain filled his skull. His eyes went out of focus as Billy’s fists pounded his face again and again.

Max’s truck burst into the circle, opposite Dash and Billy, racing toward them. Max either didn’t see them or didn’t care, because he wasn’t slowing down.

Billy, with his arm cocked back for another punch, shouted something incoherent. Dash, unable to do anything else, closed his eyes, turned his head away and cringed, waiting for the big tires to grind him into paste.

Then the truck stopped. Completely.

All forward motion ended. The engine died and the lights went dark. It was as if the truck became stuck between moments of time, like a frame in a film that broke without warning.

A brilliant white light from above bathed the scene. It was brighter than the sun on the brightest day of summer. But it didn’t burn. Even with his eyes closed, Dash still saw that infinitely white light.

“No!” screamed Billy. “No!” And then he was gone, his weight no longer pressing down on Dash.

And Dash was floating.

Floating up.

Up into the light.


At last! We’re back to where this strange journey began. Now things start to get weird. Be here next episode, when Dash says: “Yow! Turn it off!”

Thanks for reading!

Dan McGirt

Dash: Into Space! Fiction Science Fiction Writing

Dash: Into Space! preview (part 5)

We continue our draft preview of Dash: Into Space! If you just joined the read-along, you can catch up with Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.  Last episode, Dash had a study date with his dream girl, Astrid, that ended with Astrid walking Dash out to his car. Also there was a strange light in the sky…

Chapter 5: Head out on the Highway

Astrid recoiled. “What’s wrong?”

“Sorry,” said Dash, wincing at having said a swear word in front of the preacher’s daughter. “My car won’t start.” He turned the key again. “Dead battery. But I don’t know how.”

“You want me to jump you?” said Astrid.

“Errr…” replied Dash. His brain locked up as it tried to form a reply to what she obviously meant while picturing what he wished she meant. “Could you?”

“Sure! My Jeep’s in the garage. Have you got jumper cables? I do if not.”

“In the trunk,” said Dash.

Astrid jogged toward the house. Dash banged his head against the steering wheel. Bad enough he had to drive this pathetic junk pile. Now it was going out of its way to make him look like a loser. Stupid car!

Astrid backed her red Jeep Wrangler out of the garage while Dash retrieved his cables and propped open the hood.

Even with Astrid revving her engine, the Tercel wouldn’t turn over. After multiple tries, Dash gave up in disgust. Somehow the battery was completely drained. Or maybe the alternator was shot or a wire had come loose.

“No dice,” he said, shaking his head.

“Then hop in!” said Astrid. “I’ll drive you home. You can  come back and figure it out after church tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?” said Dash.

Astrid leaned out of the window and yelled to Mrs. Castor, who was watching from the front door. “Mama, we can’t get it to start! I’m taking Dash home!”

“Sweetheart, your father can—”

“He’s still at his meeting!” said Astrid.

“I’ll call him and see—”

Astrid rolled her eyes. “It’s twenty miles, Mama! I’ll be back in forty minutes!” To Dash, she said, “Let’s go!”

Dash stowed the battery cables and retrieved his bag. He hesitated a moment, then went back and fished out the pack of Tygers wedged under the driver’s seat. He stuffed the cigarettes in his backpack before climbing into the Jeep. Before he could fasten his seatbelt, Astrid backed up, turned around, and sped down Church Street.

Dash clutched the arm rest and glanced at the side mirror. The nearest vehicle was a pickup about four blocks back. Astrid tore down the neighborhood streets and pulled on to the highway.

“Sorry to put you to the trouble,” said Dash.

Astrid laughed. “No trouble. We just had to git before Mama remembered I’m supposed to be grounded.”

“Grounded?” Dash was surprised. “What for?”

“I got in a little argument with my dad.”

“Er, what about?” asked Dash. Wait! Did she only ask him over because she was grounded and couldn’t go out tonight?

Astrid shrugged. “Something stupid. Doesn’t matter.”

The lights of Plainsville became a dim glow behind them. The state highway cut across the prairie, a dark ribbon through dark fields beneath a dark bowl of night sky. The stars were distant, the moon thin and pale. Only the brilliant blaze of Astrid’s high beams cut through the gloom.

“Do you really think that was a meteor we saw?” said Astrid, nodding up at the sky with her adorable dimpled chin.

Dash shrugged. “Maybe a satellite. It was the wrong heading to be the International Space Station, though.”

Astrid giggled. “You know all about space too, don’t you?”

“A little,” said Dash. Was she calling him a nerd?

“I like stars,” said Astrid. “They’re so high above the world and all our problems. Stars are so peaceful, you know?”

“Well, stars are actually violent thermonuclear…” started Dash. “I mean, I like stars too. I’ve got an old telescope my aunt bought me at a flea market. Nothing great, but okay for backyard astronomy.”

“And you can see planets and all with it?”

“Sure. Kansas is real good for stargazing, because everything is so flat.” Present company excluded. “I know lots of constellations. Those three stars in a row, that’s Orion.”

“I don’t know any star names,” said Astrid. “Except the Hollywood kind. But I know all the kinds of clouds. I used to want to be a weather girl. You know, like on the news?”

Dash grinned. Yeah, he’d never miss Weather With Astrid. “I wanted to be an astronaut. Maybe go to Mars.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t ever go up in space!” said Astrid. “It’s so dangerous! Like all those poor people on Maiden One!”

“Yeah,” Dash nodded. “That was pretty bad.”

Maiden One, the first tourist space ship, was lost with all aboard a few months ago. No survivors. Burned up in the atmosphere, they said. Knocked out of orbit by a freak solar storm. Experts thought it might have crashed in the Pacific, but the Navy never found any debris. Dash was glad he never found that winning bottle cap in the Maiden Cola “Win a Flight on Maiden One’s Maiden Voyage” contest.

“I don’t want to be an astronaut anymore,” he said.

“Well, I don’t want to be a weather girl anymore either.”

They both laughed. It felt good, laughing with Astrid, being here, alone together, except for the stars. Suddenly, Dash remembered something. A thrill of expectation shivered through him as he said, “Hey, what was it you were going to ask—”

“Would you hand me my purse please?” said Astrid, cutting him off without meaning to.

“Uh…sure.” Dash leaned forward and felt down around his feet. He passed a fringed buckskin bag with turquoise beading to Astrid, who placed it between her legs and pawed through it until she found a cheap plastic lighter and a pack of Morleys.

“You smoke?” Dash blurted.

“Do you mind?” she asked. She cracked her window open, put a cigarette in her mouth, lit up, and did all this while keeping at least one hand on the wheel.

Dash didn’t know if he was excited, disappointed, or what to learn this about Astrid. But the familiar scent of burning tobacco, even with most of the smoke whipping out the window, made him crave a cigarette himself. Did he dare?

“I can’t do this at home,” she said. “My little brother would rat me out for sure.” She glanced sidelong at Dash. “What? You going to tell me I shouldn’t?”

Dash shook his head. He extracted his Tygers. “Nope.”

Astrid laughed. “Dash Garnet! You bad boy!” She passed him the lighter.

He grinned. “Yeah, that’s me.” You like the bad boys, right? Dash lit up, hoping he could keep it Nick Tyger smooth and not embarrass himself with a coughing fit. Sharing this rebellious secret with Astrid made him bold enough to ask, “So what did you want to ask me before?”


“Before my car wouldn’t start. You said you wanted to ask me something.” Like, maybe, am I seeing anyone? Which I am not.

“Oh, yeah,” said Astrid. “Yeah, I wanted to ask you if you know that new guy. Wren McCord.”

Wren McCord? What is it with everybody and stupid Wren McCord?

Astrid pressed a button on the console. The thumping bass of a hip-hop anthem blasted the Jeep’s interior, along with lyrics that would peel the paint off Reverend Castor’s pulpit.

Astrid recited the words in sync with the performer: “‘Rootin’ in the boot, bringin’ the heat-heat all up in the street-street! Like Maguire you complete me, stone cold fever, won’t never defeat me.’ I love Kenyay, don’t you? She turned the volume down. “Satellite radio. My dad has no idea what it can pick up.”

“I guess not,” said Dash.

“Anyway, do you know Wren? I don’t have any classes with him. But he dresses so cool, don’t you think? With those skinny 80s ties and the way he wears his hair all mussed?”

“I hadn’t noticed,” said Dash. He flipped his half-finished cigarette out the window, sullen. He immediately lit another, needing it.

“He’s the one who called in the ACLU for that lawsuit that’s got my dad and the council in a tizzy. Their stupid anti-dancing law is going down and I can’t wait!”


“I mean, how lame we can’t even have a prom?”

“I thought the ban was your dad’s idea in the first place.”

“Yeah, don’t remind me.” Astrid blew a long stream of smoke out the window. “No one in this stupid town had the balls to stand up to mighty Reverend Castor and his dumb law. Not until Wren McCord showed up.” Astrid took both hands off the wheel to flash some kind of gang sign. “First Amendment, bitches!”

“Uh…yeah,” said Dash.

“Do you know if he has a girlfriend?” said Astrid.

Dash coughed hard and flicked his new cigarette out the window. Wren McCord? He stared at the side mirror. Nothing but dark highway behind them. And nothing but dark highway ahead. “I have no idea,” he muttered.

“Well, it’s—Yipe!

The volume suddenly shot to full blast. The switched from station to station in rapid succession. Startled, Astrid jerked the wheel hard to the left, veering into the oncoming lane. Dash was smacked against the door.

Astrid cut back to the right lane, overcorrecting and running off on to the shoulder. The radio continued to cycle through channels, quickly reaching the Sports and Talk end of the spectrum. Then it went silent. At the same time the headlights and dashboard went dark and the engine cut out. The Jeep coasted to a stop on the side of the road.

“Oh my God, what was that!” shrieked Astrid. “What was that? What happened? Oh my God, I’m shaking!”

Dash was too. His pulse was pounding. He gripped the door handle so hard his hand cramped. He had thought Astrid was going to roll the Jeep and kill them both.

Astrid turned the key. “It won’t start! What just happened? What just happened? It isn’t supposed to just stop!” She banged on the steering wheel with both hands.

“Are you out of gas?” asked Dash.

“No!” she shouted. “No! I filled it up today!”

Dash took a deep breath. “Must be an electrical short,” he said. “A wire broke or something came loose.”

“Can you fix it?”

“I can look. Pop the hood. Do you have a flashlight?”

“I think so. In the back,” said Astrid.

Dash stepped out of the Jeep. The night air was chilly. He raised the hood, but could see only shadowy shapes.

“Flashlight?” he said.

“I found it, but the battery is dead!” said Astrid.

“Maybe your phone?”

Astrid rummaged through her purse. “My phone is dead too!” she said, starting to lose it again. “We can’t even call for help! Why is this happening?”

“We’ll be all right,” said Dash, though he wasn’t sure of it.

“Look, someone is coming! We have to flag them down!”

“Okay,” said Dash. The vehicle was about a mile back, coming from the direction of Plainsville. It was odd he hadn’t noticed the lights before. You could see a long way out here.

Astrid and Dash stood behind the Jeep. As the vehicle got closer, Dash saw it was a pickup truck. At a couple hundred yards out, its headlights found the Jeep. The truck slowed and pulled onto the shoulder about twenty feet behind them. The driver failed to dim the high beams, forcing Dash and Astrid to shield their eyes with upraised arms.

“Kind of a jerk,” said Astrid, squinting.

“Yeah,” said Dash. Without thinking, he stepped in front of Astrid. She clutched his shoulder nervously. Any other time, Dash would have been thrilled to feel Astrid’s hand on him. But right now he was almost as scared as she was.

A door opened. The pickup’s driver, an indistinct outline behind the bright glare, stood up on the running board.

“Looky here!” he said. “We caught us a couple of lovebirds!”

“Max?” said Astrid.

“I’m dead,” said Dash.

Uh-oh! Things are not looking good for Dash at all. Be here next episode, when Max says: “You can’t run forever!”

Thanks for reading!

Dan McGirt

Dash: Into Space! Fiction Science Fiction Writing

Dash: Into Space! preview (part 3)

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

The preview of book-in-progress Dash: Into Space! continues with Chapter 3. This is the first chapter in which the truly discerning and perceptive reader might figure out where I’m going with this. And you’ll be right! Until you’re wrong…

If you missed previous episodes, read Part 1 and Part 2.  In the last episode we saw Dash at Plainsville High School. We now get a glimpse of Dash’s life at home on the farm…

Chapter 3: Down on the Farm

The Eggle Farm

“My life stinks!” said Dash.

Dash: Into Space! Fiction Science Fiction Writing

Dash: Into Space! preview (part 2)

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

We continue the preview of my new work-in-progress Dash: Into Space!  If you need to catch up,  read Part 1 here. Last episode Dash was in a strange place. We resume the story at Plainsville High School…

Chapter 2: Getting Schooled

Plainsville High School
Plainsville, Kansas

“You’re dead, Garnet! Dead, dead, dead!”

Dash: Into Space! Fiction Science Fiction Writing

Dash: Into Space! preview (part 1)

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

I decided to take a “break” between Noble Cause and Royal Crush to write something new and different–I’m calling this book-in-progress Dash: Into Space!  I’m not giving too much away when I say it concerns alien abduction. (Fear not, Jason Cosmo fans, I’m actually working on Royal Crush concurrently. But since it is a revision of Royal Chaos it isn’t entirely “new”.)

I have a rough plot in mind for DIS, and a cast of characters ready to appear. I know it will be an adventure-comedy, but in a science fiction mode, rather than fantasy, like my previous books. Well, science fantasy might be closer to the truth. No one will mistake this for hard SF.  Believe me–I won’t be calculating any orbital equations.  I just want to write a silly, fun, entertaining story. But exactly where I will set the Sillymeter for this one will emerge in the course of writing it.

I’m ten chapters into the book at present. This is a first draft, so any or all of what I’ve written so far may get scrapped. Or, indeed, I may shelve the whole book if I don’t feel it is working. But, hey, Loyal Reader, I’ll let you help decide the fate of Dash: Into Space! by sharing some excerpts of this work in progress. Here is (the first draft of) Chapter 1. If you got this as a preview on your e-reader, would you want to read more? Let me know what you think!

Andrea Parnell Devil Moon Media Novels Royal Chaos Royal Crush Writing

New Projects

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

Time to check in with you again. A few things to mention. First, my mom and I were in the paper recently. We were interviewed for an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution called “e-Books getting the words out”. The able reporter did a good job of reporting on how ebook publishing empower authors to take charge of their writing careers and connect directly with readers in ways that were not possible (or at least much more difficult) in the pre-ebook era. Whether it is re-releasing previously published books or publishing all-new works without having to wait around for Big Publishing to get a clue, this is a great time to be an author. The tools are there for those who learn how to use them–as more and more authors are each day.

As for my own authoring, my summer projects are writing a new book, Dash: Into Space! and the next Jason Cosmo book, Royal Crush (a revision of the classic Royal Chaos). I’m also editing my mother’s novel Devil Moon for reissue as an ebook. Enough to keep me busy!

I was also thrilled to be contacted by REDACTED to inquire about my interest in writing REDACTED for REDACTED. Yeah, can’t say much about it, but there may be a fun side project in the offing.

One more thing — my ebook titles are on sale at Smashwords through July 31.

Hope you’re enjoying your summer! (Or winter, south of the equator.)

Best regards,

Dan McGirt

Dark Splendor Noble Cause Uncategorized Whispers at Midnight

Hello world!

Updated: May 19, 2011

Greetings, Loyal Reader!

I am doing a bit by bit launch of as my new home page. I have a lot of work to do on the site.  It will be a process of constant small improvements. I have lately been busy getting the original versions of my comical fantasy adventure novels Jason Cosmo, Royal Chaos, and Dirty Work formatted as ebooks. All are currently available at Smashwords and will soon debut in the Amazon Kindle Store.

I’m also working to finish writing Noble Cause, the sequel to Hero Wanted. Hero Wanted was book 1 of the relaunched Jason Cosmo series making Noble Cause … wait for it! … book 2.

And … I’m also editing several romance novels by my mother, award-winning author Andrea Parnell. We’re reviving her out-of-print romanc novels as ebooks. The first two, Dark Splendor and Whispers at Midnight, are now available as ebooks at Smashwords, the Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, and will soon come to the Amazon Kindle Store.

Along the way, I’ll continue to add content to this website, as it becomes my online headquarters. For now, you’ll find much more information about my books at the Jason Cosmo Update site or my Facebook page.

You can also follow me on Twitter: @jasoncosmo

My (very) occasional newsletter/mailing list is at:

Thanks for reading!

Best regards,

Dan McGirt